About Us

About Us

Emma lives in the UK. She has been on her Spiritual Awakening Journey for approx. 30 years and has raised a family on her own. Most of her life has been spent healing from the trauma of her early life and developing her own psychic abilities behind the scenes.

She has dedicated her life to improving her health, well-being and her spiritual development and well as helping others.

Behind the scenes, she has worked with animals and clients and encouraged them with their growth and individual healing journey and helped them to discover their own self-worth and purpose in life.

She is a talented animal healer and communicator and has developed her Clair senses, although she is mainly a gifted clairempath and clairsentient. She is a warrior for both the light and dark and treats them both equally with respect and admiration.

She has been on her spiritual journey since she was born and being very aware, that she was different “a very old soul”, and feeling like she didn’t belong in this world, growing up was extremely challenging in this world. Her journey went through many changes as the social matrix took hold and then in 2007, she was properly awakened too her path and her true gifts and her individual journey began to emerge and the healing of the old trauma began.

After years of being, unhappy, in the corporate world and the social matrix, She broke free after realising her true passion and love for animals, so in 2017 I took a leap of faith and with Scamp, my then 3 yrs. Choc Lab, I founded up my Pet Service Business – Animal Wavelength in Suffolk.

After a successful 5 wonderful years of looking after and helping animals of all shape and sizes unfortunately life had other ideas during 2022, I had to temporarily closed the business as Scamp and myself have had some illnesses to overcome and we both needed time to heal.

After several years of using her gifts to work with animals and specialising with illness, reactive and challenging behaviours in animals, she was introduced to the “Twin Flame Journey” – a fast tracked ascension journey in 2020.

Her life has been a rollercoaster since then, to say to the least.

The business has now relocated to Christchurch, Cambridgeshire in late 2022 and has been restructured to form The Wavelength Group.

We have two dogs Scamp, a Chocolate Labrador and Gigi a Romanian Rescue.

Scamp is 8 nearly 9 and has been working alongside me as a Canine Therapy Dog for dogs since 2017. He is the soppiest dog who loves everyone. He is well socialised and trained, although if you have treats in your pocket, I have no control!! He is now retired from being a Canine Therapy Dog.

Gigi is approximately 3 and was found on the side of the road with her dead puppies. She was nervous, anxious and terrified with no social skills when she came to us in August 2021. She has made incredible progress in that time and continues to grow every day.

We also have two horses shared with my daughter who has a passion for equine as well as myself that has been around horses since I was young. Troy is 10 yr ex racehorse with PTSD and some other medical issues. His healing is ongoing and his story can be found on the Animal Wavelength Facebook page. Pepsi is our rescue and is 5 years old. She is the sweetest natured pony and is a Therapy Horse for adults and children. Pepsi has fantastic reviews about helping children with ADHD and Autism.

My purpose in this lifetime is Love. Being one half of the Divine Counterpart (Divine Feminine), we are here in this time now to help the planet to raise its level of consciousness and to help people rise up out of the dense energies of the planet. We are here to be the light, step into her own sovereignty and guide people, land, spirit and animals out of the darkness and fear and into the light to embrace Unconditional Love.

My individual journey has led me to be a founder who has a vision. I am deeply passionate about empowering women, children, men and animals alike. We offer one to one session, online or in person, and I have also designed products to be a catalyst for change and to help people.

We currently run The Wavelength Group and trades as Animal Wavelength, Healing Wavelength and The Wavelength Shop which offers Shamanic and Spiritual Energy Healing Therapy for people, land and animals.

Join us in this incredible journey, where success knows no boundaries, and dreams do become reality!

With Love,

Emma x

Emma lives in the UK. She has been on her Spiritual Awakening Journey for approx. 30 years and has raised a family on her own. Most of her life has been spent healing from the trauma of her early life and developing her own psychic abilities behind the scenes.

She has dedicated her life to improving her health, well-being and her spiritual development and well as helping others.

Behind the scenes, she has worked with animals and clients and encouraged them with their growth and individual healing journey and helped them to discover their own self-worth and purpose in life.

She is a talented animal healer and communicator and has developed her Clair senses, although she is mainly a gifted clairempath and clairsentient. She is a warrior for both the light and dark and treats them both equally with respect and admiration.

She has been on her spiritual journey since she was born and being very aware, that she was different “a very old soul”, and feeling like she didn’t belong in this world, growing up was extremely challenging in this world. Her journey went through many changes as the social matrix took hold and then in 2007, she was properly awakened too her path and her true gifts and her individual journey began to emerge and the healing of the old trauma began.

After years of being, unhappy, in the corporate world and the social matrix, She broke free after realising her true passion and love for animals, so in 2017 I took a leap of faith and with Scamp, my then 3 yrs. Choc Lab, I founded up my Pet Service Business – Animal Wavelength in Suffolk.

After a successful 5 wonderful years of looking after and helping animals of all shape and sizes unfortunately life had other ideas during 2022, I had to temporarily closed the business as Scamp and myself have had some illnesses to overcome and we both needed time to heal.

After several years of using her gifts to work with animals and specialising with illness, reactive and challenging behaviours in animals, she was introduced to the “Twin Flame Journey” – a fast tracked ascension journey in 2020.

Her life has been a rollercoaster since then, to say to the least.

The business has now relocated to Christchurch, Cambridgeshire in late 2022 and has been restructured to form The Wavelength Group.

We have two dogs Scamp, a Chocolate Labrador and Gigi a Romanian Rescue.

Scamp is 8 nearly 9 and has been working alongside me as a Canine Therapy Dog for dogs since 2017. He is the soppiest dog who loves everyone. He is well socialised and trained, although if you have treats in your pocket, I have no control!! He is now retired from being a Canine Therapy Dog.

Gigi is approximately 3 and was found on the side of the road with her dead puppies. She was nervous, anxious and terrified with no social skills when she came to us in August 2021. She has made incredible progress in that time and continues to grow every day.

We also have two horses shared with my daughter who has a passion for equine as well as myself that has been around horses since I was young. Troy is 10 yr ex racehorse with PTSD and some other medical issues. His healing is ongoing and his story can be found on the Animal Wavelength Facebook page. Pepsi is our rescue and is 5 years old. She is the sweetest natured pony and is a Therapy Horse for adults and children. Pepsi has fantastic reviews about helping children with ADHD and Autism.

My purpose in this lifetime is Love. Being one half of the Divine Counterpart (Divine Feminine), we are here in this time now to help the planet to raise its level of consciousness and to help people rise up out of the dense energies of the planet. We are here to be the light, step into her own sovereignty and guide people, land, spirit and animals out of the darkness and fear and into the light to embrace Unconditional Love.

My individual journey has led me to be a founder who has a vision. I am deeply passionate about empowering women, children, men and animals alike. We offer one to one session, online or in person, and I have also designed products to be a catalyst for change and to help people.

We currently run The Wavelength Group and trades as Animal Wavelength, Healing Wavelength and The Wavelength Shop which offers Shamanic and Spiritual Energy Healing Therapy for people, land and animals.

Join us in this incredible journey, where success knows no boundaries, and dreams do become reality!

With Love,

Emma x

Scamp is 8 nearly 9 and has been working alongside me as a Canine Therapy Dog for dogs since 2017. He is the soppiest dog who loves everyone. He is well socialised and trained, although if you have treats in your pocket, I have no control!! He is now retired from being a Canine Therapy Dog.

Gigi is approximately 3 and was found on the side of the road with her dead puppies. She was nervous, anxious and terrified with no social skills when she came to us in August 2021. She has made incredible progress in that time and continues to grow every day.

We also have two horses shared with my daughter who has a passion for equine as well as myself that has been around horses since I was young. Troy is 10 yr ex racehorse with PTSD and some other medical issues. His healing is ongoing and his story can be found on the Animal Wavelength Facebook page. Pepsi is our rescue and is 5 years old. She is the sweetest natured pony and is a Therapy Horse for adults and children. Pepsi has fantastic reviews about helping children with ADHD and Autism.

My purpose in this lifetime is Love. Being one half of the Divine Counterpart (Divine Feminine), we are here in this time now to help the planet to raise its level of consciousness and to help people rise up out of the dense energies of the planet. We are here to be the light, step into her own sovereignty and guide people, land, spirit and animals out of the darkness and fear and into the light to embrace Unconditional Love.

My individual journey has led me to be a founder who has a vision. I am deeply passionate about empowering women, children, men and animals alike. We offer one to one session, online or in person, and I have also designed products to be a catalyst for change and to help people.

We currently run The Wavelength Group and trades as Animal Wavelength, Healing Wavelength and The Wavelength Shop which offers Shamanic and Spiritual Energy Healing Therapy for people, land and animals.

Join us in this incredible journey, where success knows no boundaries, and dreams do become reality!

With Love,

Emma x

© The Wavelength Group 2024 .

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© The Wavelength Group 2024 .

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