Policies & Procedures

1. Relationships and Responsibilities

Animal Wavelength is a is a trading name and part of The Wavelength Group.

It is expressly understood that the Client retains the services of the Sitter (Animal Wavelength) as an independent contractor and not as an employee. The Sitter shall be responsible for their own insurance and all statutory declarations and payments regarding income tax and VAT where applicable.

The Sitter undertakes to perform the agreed-on services in an attentive, reliable, and caring manner as per Animal Wavelength’s “Code of Conduct”. The Client undertakes to provide all necessary information to assist in this performance.

2. Liability Policies

Animal Wavelength and its employees agreed to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives all claims against Animal Wavelength or its employees unless arising from gross negligence on the part of Animal Wavelength. The Client agrees to notify Animal Wavelength of any concerns within 24 hours of returning home.

Animal Wavelength cannot be responsible for pets that bite, suffer accidental death or escape from faulty fencing or from inside the home due to faulty screens, doors etc.

Animal Wavelength cannot be responsible for any complications pets may suffer or actions of pets while they are unattended. Animal Wavelength or its employees shall not be held responsible for the loss, injury, death, or actions of any pet that the client has let outside or has instructed a neighbour/friend to allow outside whilst the sitter is not there. This includes pets with doggie doors, cat flaps and outdoor pets.

The client understands that all pets (where appropriate) must have a veterinarian and must be up to date on the rabies vaccination, and all other current vaccinations. Client agrees to reimburse Animal Wavelength for all costs (including, but not limited to, medical care and lost wages) associated with contracting any ailments while exposed to pet(s).

All pets with electronic fences must wear their collars with fresh batteries. Animal Wavelength is not responsible for any animals that get out or inside of the perimeter.

Animal Wavelength does not accept aggressive animals. The Client agrees to be responsible for all costs (including, but not limited to medical care, attorney fees, etc.) if client’s pet should bite another person or animal.

Animal Wavelength does not diagnose, offer prognosis, or make therapy decisions, nor does it offer veterinary services. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.

Client authorises Animal Wavelength to obtain the services of a locksmith should a key/garage opener malfunction. The Client is responsible for all charges.

The Client is responsible for making arrangements for snow removal. Visits may not be made in snow covered

driveways/walkways because of safety reasons.

Job sharing is not covered under our insurance. We cannot be responsible for your pet or home if another service provider enters your property while we are not there.

The sitter will be entirely responsible for all insurance that may be required for the purposes of providing the Pet Services.

Damages caused by the client’s pet to the pet sitter’s property will be the responsibility of the client.

The Sitter is released from all liability related to transporting pet(s) to and from any veterinary clinic or kennel, the medical treatment of the pet(s) and the expense thereof. The Pet Owner shall indemnify and keep the Sitter fully indemnified of any such cost incurred thereof.

3. Deposits

A deposit is required to secure any Training, Pet Sitting, Healing, communication, soul readings or Animal Reiki service offered by Animal Wavelength. A deposit of 25% of the total booking price to confirm the booking. All deposits are non-refundable. Full payment is required 7 days before booking commences.

4. Business Hours

Business and visiting hours fall between the hours of 08.00 and 20.00 and services are usually completed during this time unless we are behind schedule. If flights are delayed, we can be flexible.

5. Emergencies

Client agrees to authorise Animal Wavelength to handle any emergencies that may arise. Animal Wavelength will make every effort to contact the client, however client gives Animal Wavelength authority to act in the pet’s/home’s best interest.

Animal Wavelength requires you to have a responsible party to take care of your pet(s) in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as illness and in the event of inclement weather or natural disaster. It is best your emergency contact is a neighbour/family, so they can reach your home. Animal Wavelength is not responsible for pets in these circumstances.

In the event of an emergency, the Sitter shall contact immediately Animal Wavelength and the Owner at the numbers provided. If the Owner cannot be reached timeously, the Sitter is authorized to:

- Transport the pet(s) to the listed veterinary practice;

- Request on-site treatment from a veterinary practitioner;

- Transport the pet(s) to an emergency clinic if the previous two options are not feasible

6. Payment Arrangement

Payment is expected in full before services are rendered. In the event of additional unforeseen visits or other costs including but not limited to pet food, litter or cleaning supplies, transportation, unexpected visits and emergency expenses for health care, payment is expected within 5 days of the completion of services. Animal Wavelength will retain and submit receipts as proof of additional expenses.

There are different payment arrangements in place if booked Animal Wavelength through a website or booking agent.

Invoice Policy

All bookings are slotted into the diary and allocated time slots.

Invoices will be sent out on a monthly basis. This can be paid weekly each Monday or Monthly by 30th of the month before in advance.

Any changes during the month will be shown on the following months invoice. Invoices will be sent via email on the 20th of each month.


Adhoc bookings: Invoices will be emailed out to confirm price. A deposit is taken to confirm the booking. This will be a 25% non-refundable deposit. All Payments will need to be settled in full 7 days before the booking is due to commence.

7. Cancellation Policy

Monthly bookings: If Client cancels within the month that you have been invoiced for there will be no refund from the 1st -30th.

If you have received your invoice for the following month and need to make changes you will be able to do this within the 20th – 30th of the previous month before your invoice is due, this will then be adjusted onto the following invoice. Please let us know in advance.

Adhoc Bookings: Deposits are non –refundable.

If you cancel, less than 7 days, prior to the booking commencing, then the full amount has to be paid.

Pet Sitting Bookings: Deposits of 25% are non – refundable.

If you cancel, less than 7 days, prior to the booking commencing, then the full amount has to be paid.

Amendments or cancellations by Animal Wavelength: Should the sitter for reasons beyond its control need to make any amendments to or to cancel the booking, Animal Wavelength reserves the right to offer alternative facilities. Animal Wavelength’s acceptance of your booking is on the understanding that circumstances beyond its control may prevent Animal Wavelength from meeting its obligations at the relevant time in which case Animal Wavelength will not be liable for any loss suffered by you or any third party.

8. Late Payment Policy

Monthly Payments: If payment is not received by the 7th , We will send a reminder. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, we will stop our services from the 16th until payment is received.

Weekly Payments: If Payment is not received on the Monday of each week, you will have until the following Monday to make payment. If is still not received within 7 days, then all services will be suspended until payment is received.

There will be applicable late payment fees and charges added for continuous late payment. These will be an extra £10 for late payments.

If your struggling to make payment, please give us a call to discuss different options.

For refusing to pay or refusal to make arrangements to pay, then we have the right to terminate the contract and seek legal action.

9. Retainer Policy

A retainer fee is an amount of money paid in advance by a client to assure our services will be available to them once they return from holiday or of sick on the days our services are booked in for. The client will pay a reduced amount to be confirmed at the initial meeting and recorded on the service agreement. This amount cannot be altered without written consent from Animal Wavelength.

10. Termination

Should any pet become aggressive or dangerous, the Sitter may:

- Place the pet into a kennel or animal care facility at the Owner's expense if the owner is unable to take responsibility for the pet at that time.

- In the event as described above, this contract shall be deemed terminated unless the Sitter agrees to continue with other home caring duties and/or caring for other listed pets at no reduction in compensation.

- Any wrongful or misleading information in the Owner's Information or Service Agreement’s and the Terms and Conditions may constitute a breach of terms of this Pet Service Contract and be grounds for instant termination thereof.

- Termination under the circumstances described above shall not entitle the Owner to any refunds nor relief of any outstanding payments due.

11. Indemnification

The parties agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other as well as respective employees, successors and assigns from all claims arising from either party's willful or negligent conduct.

12. Security

Animal Wavelength warrants to keep safe and confidential all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes and personal information of the Owner and to return same to the Owner at the end of the contract period or immediately on demand.

13. Relaxation of Terms

No relaxation, indulgence, waiver, or release by any party of any of the rights in terms of this Pet Service Agreement on one occasion shall prevent the subsequent enforcement of such rights and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of any of the terms.

14. Whole Agreement

This Pet Service Agreement attached constitute the sole and entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and the parties waive the right to rely on any alleged expressed or implied provision not contained therein. Any alteration to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.

15. Marketing

The client gives permission for photographs of their pets to be used on social media, websites, flyers and any other such marketing materials, Animal Wavelength chooses to use. The client gives permission of their email to be used in email marketing by Animal Wavelength.


New rules in England and Wales FROM 2024

Considering the government's recent announcement to place XL Bully type dogs on the DDA (Dangerous Dog Act), we have reviewed our policy in order to widen it to include covering dogs on the DDA.

We will be able to cover banned breeds, subject to them having an exemption certificate.

It is a condition precedent to liability that for any dog which is a banned breed under the dangerous dog’s act 1991 and/or as subsequently amended within the United Kingdom the following guidelines are strictly adhered to whilst the dog is in the care and custody or control of Animal Wavelength.

1. The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim

2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim

3. The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times

4. The dog is Neutered – in line with Government terms

5. The dog is Micro Chipped

6. The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled at all times – in public

In order for Animal Wavelength to be able to work with the breed, the Owner must provide the following:

1. The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.

2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.

3. The dog handler ratio is 1:1 at all times.

4. All guidelines under the index of exempted dogs are strictly adhered to and the dog must be:

i. Neutered

ii. Micro Chipped

iii. Kept on a lead and muzzled at all times

iv. Kept in a secure place, so it cannot escape

17. Binding Effect

The terms of this Contract shall be binding upon and accrue to the benefit and be enforceable by either party's successors, legal representatives, and assigns.

Policies & Procedures

1. Relationships and Responsibilities

Animal Wavelength is a is a trading name and part of The Wavelength Group.

It is expressly understood that the Client retains the services of the Sitter (Animal Wavelength) as an independent contractor and not as an employee. The Sitter shall be responsible for their own insurance and all statutory declarations and payments regarding income tax and VAT where applicable.

The Sitter undertakes to perform the agreed-on services in an attentive, reliable, and caring manner as per Animal Wavelength’s “Code of Conduct”. The Client undertakes to provide all necessary information to assist in this performance.

2. Liability Policies

Animal Wavelength and its employees agreed to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives all claims against Animal Wavelength or its employees unless arising from gross negligence on the part of Animal Wavelength. The Client agrees to notify Animal Wavelength of any concerns within 24 hours of returning home.

Animal Wavelength cannot be responsible for pets that bite, suffer accidental death or escape from faulty fencing or from inside the home due to faulty screens, doors etc.

Animal Wavelength cannot be responsible for any complications pets may suffer or actions of pets while they are unattended. Animal Wavelength or its employees shall not be held responsible for the loss, injury, death, or actions of any pet that the client has let outside or has instructed a neighbour/friend to allow outside whilst the sitter is not there. This includes pets with doggie doors, cat flaps and outdoor pets.

The client understands that all pets (where appropriate) must have a veterinarian and must be up to date on the rabies vaccination, and all other current vaccinations. Client agrees to reimburse Animal Wavelength for all costs (including, but not limited to, medical care and lost wages) associated with contracting any ailments while exposed to pet(s).

All pets with electronic fences must wear their collars with fresh batteries. Animal Wavelength is not responsible for any animals that get out or inside of the perimeter.

Animal Wavelength does not accept aggressive animals. The Client agrees to be responsible for all costs (including, but not limited to medical care, attorney fees, etc.) if client’s pet should bite another person or animal.

Animal Wavelength does not diagnose, offer prognosis, or make therapy decisions, nor does it offer veterinary services. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.

Client authorises Animal Wavelength to obtain the services of a locksmith should a key/garage opener malfunction. The Client is responsible for all charges.

The Client is responsible for making arrangements for snow removal. Visits may not be made in snow covered

driveways/walkways because of safety reasons.

Job sharing is not covered under our insurance. We cannot be responsible for your pet or home if another service provider enters your property while we are not there.

The sitter will be entirely responsible for all insurance that may be required for the purposes of providing the Pet Services.

Damages caused by the client’s pet to the pet sitter’s property will be the responsibility of the client.

The Sitter is released from all liability related to transporting pet(s) to and from any veterinary clinic or kennel, the medical treatment of the pet(s) and the expense thereof. The Pet Owner shall indemnify and keep the Sitter fully indemnified of any such cost incurred thereof.

3. Deposits

A deposit is required to secure any Training, Pet Sitting, Healing, communication, soul readings or Animal Reiki service offered by Animal Wavelength. A deposit of 25% of the total booking price to confirm the booking. All deposits are non-refundable. Full payment is required 7 days before booking commences.

4. Business Hours

Business and visiting hours fall between the hours of 08.00 and 20.00 and services are usually completed during this time unless we are behind schedule. If flights are delayed, we can be flexible.

5. Emergencies

Client agrees to authorise Animal Wavelength to handle any emergencies that may arise. Animal Wavelength will make every effort to contact the client, however client gives Animal Wavelength authority to act in the pet’s/home’s best interest.

Animal Wavelength requires you to have a responsible party to take care of your pet(s) in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as illness and in the event of inclement weather or natural disaster. It is best your emergency contact is a neighbour/family, so they can reach your home. Animal Wavelength is not responsible for pets in these circumstances.

In the event of an emergency, the Sitter shall contact immediately Animal Wavelength and the Owner at the numbers provided. If the Owner cannot be reached timeously, the Sitter is authorized to:

- Transport the pet(s) to the listed veterinary practice;

- Request on-site treatment from a veterinary practitioner;

- Transport the pet(s) to an emergency clinic if the previous two options are not feasible

6. Payment Arrangement

Payment is expected in full before services are rendered. In the event of additional unforeseen visits or other costs including but not limited to pet food, litter or cleaning supplies, transportation, unexpected visits and emergency expenses for health care, payment is expected within 5 days of the completion of services. Animal Wavelength will retain and submit receipts as proof of additional expenses.

There are different payment arrangements in place if booked Animal Wavelength through a website or booking agent.

Invoice Policy

All bookings are slotted into the diary and allocated time slots.

Invoices will be sent out on a monthly basis. This can be paid weekly each Monday or Monthly by 30th of the month before in advance.

Any changes during the month will be shown on the following months invoice. Invoices will be sent via email on the 20th of each month.


Adhoc bookings: Invoices will be emailed out to confirm price. A deposit is taken to confirm the booking. This will be a 25% non-refundable deposit. All Payments will need to be settled in full 7 days before the booking is due to commence.

7. Cancellation Policy

Monthly bookings: If Client cancels within the month that you have been invoiced for there will be no refund from the 1st -30th.

If you have received your invoice for the following month and need to make changes you will be able to do this within the 20th – 30th of the previous month before your invoice is due, this will then be adjusted onto the following invoice. Please let us know in advance.

Adhoc Bookings: Deposits are non –refundable.

If you cancel, less than 7 days, prior to the booking commencing, then the full amount has to be paid.

Pet Sitting Bookings: Deposits of 25% are non – refundable.

If you cancel, less than 7 days, prior to the booking commencing, then the full amount has to be paid.

Amendments or cancellations by Animal Wavelength: Should the sitter for reasons beyond its control need to make any amendments to or to cancel the booking, Animal Wavelength reserves the right to offer alternative facilities. Animal Wavelength’s acceptance of your booking is on the understanding that circumstances beyond its control may prevent Animal Wavelength from meeting its obligations at the relevant time in which case Animal Wavelength will not be liable for any loss suffered by you or any third party.

8. Late Payment Policy

Monthly Payments: If payment is not received by the 7th , We will send a reminder. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, we will stop our services from the 16th until payment is received.

Weekly Payments: If Payment is not received on the Monday of each week, you will have until the following Monday to make payment. If is still not received within 7 days, then all services will be suspended until payment is received.

There will be applicable late payment fees and charges added for continuous late payment. These will be an extra £10 for late payments.

If your struggling to make payment, please give us a call to discuss different options.

For refusing to pay or refusal to make arrangements to pay, then we have the right to terminate the contract and seek legal action.

9. Retainer Policy

A retainer fee is an amount of money paid in advance by a client to assure our services will be available to them once they return from holiday or of sick on the days our services are booked in for. The client will pay a reduced amount to be confirmed at the initial meeting and recorded on the service agreement. This amount cannot be altered without written consent from Animal Wavelength.

10. Termination

Should any pet become aggressive or dangerous, the Sitter may:

- Place the pet into a kennel or animal care facility at the Owner's expense if the owner is unable to take responsibility for the pet at that time.

- In the event as described above, this contract shall be deemed terminated unless the Sitter agrees to continue with other home caring duties and/or caring for other listed pets at no reduction in compensation.

- Any wrongful or misleading information in the Owner's Information or Service Agreement’s and the Terms and Conditions may constitute a breach of terms of this Pet Service Contract and be grounds for instant termination thereof.

- Termination under the circumstances described above shall not entitle the Owner to any refunds nor relief of any outstanding payments due.

11. Indemnification

The parties agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other as well as respective employees, successors and assigns from all claims arising from either party's willful or negligent conduct.

12. Security

Animal Wavelength warrants to keep safe and confidential all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes and personal information of the Owner and to return same to the Owner at the end of the contract period or immediately on demand.

13. Relaxation of Terms

No relaxation, indulgence, waiver, or release by any party of any of the rights in terms of this Pet Service Agreement on one occasion shall prevent the subsequent enforcement of such rights and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of any of the terms.

14. Whole Agreement

This Pet Service Agreement attached constitute the sole and entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and the parties waive the right to rely on any alleged expressed or implied provision not contained therein. Any alteration to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.

15. Marketing

The client gives permission for photographs of their pets to be used on social media, websites, flyers and any other such marketing materials, Animal Wavelength chooses to use. The client gives permission of their email to be used in email marketing by Animal Wavelength.


New rules in England and Wales FROM 2024

Considering the government's recent announcement to place XL Bully type dogs on the DDA (Dangerous Dog Act), we have reviewed our policy in order to widen it to include covering dogs on the DDA.

We will be able to cover banned breeds, subject to them having an exemption certificate.

It is a condition precedent to liability that for any dog which is a banned breed under the dangerous dog’s act 1991 and/or as subsequently amended within the United Kingdom the following guidelines are strictly adhered to whilst the dog is in the care and custody or control of Animal Wavelength.

1. The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim

2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim

3. The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times

4. The dog is Neutered – in line with Government terms

5. The dog is Micro Chipped

6. The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled at all times – in public

In order for Animal Wavelength to be able to work with the breed, the Owner must provide the following:

1. The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.

2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.

3. The dog handler ratio is 1:1 at all times.

4. All guidelines under the index of exempted dogs are strictly adhered to and the dog must be:

i. Neutered

ii. Micro Chipped

iii. Kept on a lead and muzzled at all times

iv. Kept in a secure place, so it cannot escape

17. Binding Effect

The terms of this Contract shall be binding upon and accrue to the benefit and be enforceable by either party's successors, legal representatives, and assigns.

© The Wavelength Group 2024 .

All rights reserved

GDPR Policy - Policies & Procedures

© The Wavelength Group 2024 .

All rights reserved

GDPR Policy - Policies & Procedures