The Wavelength Shop
The Wavelength Shop is a new creation of The Wavelength Group and will be
added to as items and creations become ready to sell.
Please click the link to order by email.
The Wavelength Shop
The Wavelength Shop is a new creation of The Wavelength Group and will be
added to as items and creations become ready to sell.
Please click the link to order by email.
The Wavelength Shop offers healing aids to support your journey.
The Wavelength Shop lists all my creative passions and my books as I am a self published author.
All new products and digital downloads of ebooks and oracle cards created by me can be found here.
I love to write and I have written and created EBooks, Workbooks, Worksheets, Oracle and Tarot Cards, Training Packs. I hope to be able to sell and recommend lead, harnesses and anything
suitable for animals in the future.
The Wavelength Shop offers healing aids to support your journey.
The Wavelength Shop lists all my creative passions and my books as I am a self published author.
All new products and digital downloads of ebooks and oracle cards created by me can be found here.
I love to write and I have written and created EBooks, Workbooks, Worksheets, Oracle and Tarot Cards, Training Packs. I hope to be able to sell and recommend lead, harnesses and anything
suitable for animals in the future.
Self-Love Workbook
Download Printable - £8.99
Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, self-healing, and self-love? Our eBook and Workbook, Self-Love Workbook will guide you through an empowering process to unlock your true potential and embrace the love you deserve.
What You'll Find Inside:
Discover the transformative power of self-love with our comprehensive eBook and Workbook
package, designed to help you heal your mind, body, and soul. Elevate your self-esteem, enhance your well-being, and gain the tools to live a more fulfilling life.
Find Your True Self (Chapter 1):
Gain insights into self-discovery and learn how to connect with your
authentic self, setting the foundation for a life filled with purpose and happiness.
Confronting Your Shadows (Chapter 2):
Delve deep into self-love by understanding and addressing your inner fears and doubts, allowing you to release emotional baggage that has held you back.
Build a Strong Self-Love Foundation (Chapter 3):
Discover practical strategies and exercises to nurture self-love, boosting your self-esteem, and fostering a deep sense of self-worth.
Alternative Self-Love Strategies (Chapter 4):
Explore a wide range of self-love techniques, enabling you to choose what resonates with you most, creating a personalized path to self-acceptance.
Psychology of Self-Esteem (Chapter 5):
Understand the complexities of self-esteem and the science behind it, offering you a deeper perspective on your journey to self-love.
Master Your Thoughts and Emotions (Chapter 6):
Learn to navigate your thoughts and emotions skillfully, gaining control over negativity and cultivating a positive mind-set.
Creative Self-Love Boosters (Chapter 7):
Uncover unique and enjoyable methods to infuse self-love into your daily life, ensuring your journey is both fulfilling and fun.
Workbook Sheets:
Weekly and Daily Reflections
Self-Love Daily Check-in
28-Day "Love Yourself" Challenge
Self-Love Journal and Mindfulness Journal
Sleep and Mood Trackers
Self-Care Planner and Routine
Water Log, "Rewind the Un-do" List, Brain Dump
Self-love Handbook
Download Printable - £4.99
A small and powerful resource of 21 pages to help you foster a positive and loving relationship with yourself.
Includes sections:
Finding out about yourself
Embracing your strengths
Manifestation Journal
Download Printable - £8.99
A beautifully designed journal of 58 pages that will guide you through the
process of unlocking their manifesting mojo and turning your dreams into
Content Includes:
Why manifestations are not working for you
Different types of manifesting styles
Discover your aligned manifestation style
Personalised manifestation exercise
Manifestation checklist
Daily manifestation journal pages and prompts
Business Vision Workbook
Download Printable - £6.99
An invaluable tool full of 33 pages for entrepreneurs to outline and achieve their business goals.
Includes sections:
Business Check-up
Steps you can take to increase flow and balance
Energetic Alignment
Future Casting
Grow your business Affirmations
Self Esteem and Self-Worth Journal
Download Printable - £8.99
A beautifully designed journal of 44 pages to help ambitious people seeking to amplify their self-worth and cultivate unwavering self-confidence.
Content includes:
Inner strengths
Development plan
Releasing and embracing yourself
Daily Affirmations
Setting Boundaries
Embracing your Inner Divinity
Download Printable - £3.99
A wonderful little EBook of 17 pages designed to help you ditch imposter syndrome and face self-doubt issues within and overcome fear to embrace your inner Divinity enabling you to reach your full potential and greatness.
Feeling the Emotions Within
Download Printable - £4.99
A beautifully designed 18 page EBook created as a beginners guide to understand emotions, how we store them in the emotional body and the impact they have on our lives.
Content includes:
Detailed descriptions of emotions, focusing on Fear and how we respond to Fear, the types of Fear and ways to manage Fear. There is section on Daily Affirmations to help begin the process of change. Also features artwork by Amanda Henderson.
Download Printable - £3.99
Trauma; Book 1 of a set of 5. Trauma is where my spiritual journey begins from birth, by my own perspective and in remembrance of memories that document my childhood years in diary format. It is based on my own personal journey and events that have happened to me during my lifetime, including the beginning of a beautiful Twin Flame Journey. I have been told that is extremely dark in places and is not a read for the faint of heart. Trauma is the first book of the Divine Feminine Counterpart Diaries.
When you go through Trauma, you become a victim of circumstance. TRAUMA is where my life began from birth; Abandonment, rejection, fear, addictions, sexual assault, physical, emotional, spiritual abuse and neglect on all levels.
I have endured SIX domestic Violence relationships in my life. 3 were past male boyfriends, 3 were with family members; one of which was the relationship I had with myself.
The relationship I had with myself was the most damaging of all relationships I had ever had. Every thought, reaction, harmful action against my body was about inflicting the most violence and creating a world of violence.
In 2006, I was shattered into pieces during a second nervous breakdown. I was broken beyond repair for all intense and purposes and I shouldn’t be here. At the time I felt even God didn’t want me.
And that is where 48 pages of Trauma ends. I am alone in a place of darkness, abandoned, rejected, violated, isolated and my permanent Hell. Somehow, I found the strength for my children to keep going and keep breathing and not to give up despite everything and so I did. I kept going.
Trauma probably has lot of mistakes in it, but to be honest, I just wanted to publish as I have been procrastinating for years about writing and publishing a book. It is the thinnest book of the series.
Trauma sets the stage for the journey I have endured over the years. The Trauma from one incident can take years to unravel and heal from and when you have experienced violence on a daily basis for years on end, the healing journey is an experience to overcome. I have had years of being a victim in this lifetime, another incarnation of me to put back together (DM) and as well as that I am a Lyran starseed, an Ancient Soul and a Fallen Angel with the amount of past lives to heal; approximately 15,000 but who’s counting!
Download Printable - £4.99
Karmic Cycles is the second book in the series and follows the diary entries of my spiritual awakening journey from where Trauma left of in 2006, where a massive tower moment, changes my direction, until the end of 2019.
Karmic Cycles covers the behavioural looping patterns that we all we all go through on our individual journeys and demonstrates ways to begin to overcome the cycles.The Divine Feminine Counterpart Diaries are based on true events.
Karmic Cycles describes the intensity of emotions and behavioural patterns that all need to be unravelled on each level. At the level of the Body, Mind, Heart and Soul and on the levels of the emotional, physical and spiritual with both the masculine and feminine energies.
We are not meant to live in pain on this planet and yet we continue to suffer as humans or look to medicines and doctors for answers. All of the answers we need are held within us if we have the courage to look and face our inner demons and fears.
Karmic Cycles are the repetitive patterns that we create in our worlds and we continue to repeat them until we learn the lessons of who we really are at an authentic level. The spiritual journey is not linear and healing does not happen overnight, it is a daily ritual to change patterns and behaviours.
This book is the diary entries of my life and unravelling the patterns that have created my world as learn to cope and heal from the trauma of my past. The Spiritual Journey is challenging, but so worth it in the end.
Download Printable - £5.99
Inner Union continues on my healing journey from December 2019 until 2022.
It describes the detail of the turmoil, I have endured on a daily basis as I break and heal generational patterns, addictions, karmic cycles, self-sabotaging behaviours on all levels. It also describes the pain and emotional ranges I felt as I began the ‘Twin Flame Journey’.
Inner Union is a whirlwind energetic dance of energy between the Masculine and Feminine energies that we all hold within us. Inner Union is when the polarities of extremes both come together into harmony and balance and create a sense of peace, love and harmony within on the levels of body, mind, heart and soul.
Download Printable - £5.99
Oneness is the fourth book in the Divine Feminine Counterpart Diaries series. Oneness is a spiritual experience that describes a state of Unity between the self and the Universe. It is a feeling of interconnectedness and transcendence of the boundaries or dividers that the social matrix has held us in and it can be a life changing experience. It is letting go of the separation and duality mind-set and allows us to merge in complete togetherness with ourselves and the universe.
Oneness is experienced as an intense heart-opening and awareness of the inherent goodness of all beings as well as gaining the ability to see beauty everywhere, in everything and everyone.
For me, Oneness continues from Inner Union in 2022 to the middle of 2023. Inner Union was about merging the feminine and masculine energies together. Oneness is taking that union deeper where the energies transition into their divinity and become the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine while connecting to their sovereignty and merging with each other and the Universe.
Download Printable - £8.99
Sacred Union is the final book in the series and brings me to the end of 2024. It is 340 pages long of my epic spiritual journey. I have found the light and I am experiencing happy for the first time in my life. I have found my piece of bliss. I am at the end of my Twin Flame Journey and Spiritual Awakening.
I am in peace, harmony and Sacred Unity Consciousness. I am connected to all and everything is energy. The Universe supports me with everything I choose to do. My energy is protected and I take care of myself first. I help to heal others and help them onto the path of their highest good all in alignment with their soul.
I am in a dharmic relationship energetically with my Divine Masculine as of August 2024.
All is well in my heaven on this Earth School at this moment in time. I am riding the waves and going with the flow and I know there is absolutely nothing to worry about in this moment of time. I am choosing love and to embrace the unknown.
There are still levels of healing to be completed in the 3D as the alignment of soul with the physical realm as my journey continues as I experience a multitude of levels of both the dark and light on the path to self discovery.
Digital Download - £6.99
The D & D Mini Oracle Card Deck is comprised of 24 cards and is my very first mini deck that I have created. Spirit has been asking me to create and write for many years, but I always felt the timing wasn’t right and kept putting it off. So after years of these images and words, floating around in my journals, I asked spirit to help guide me to a starting point for creating and they said to start with the mystical and magical creatures that I was have been working with in the 5D. I have been fascinated with Dinosaurs and Dragons since I was little and have loved bringing forth their messages to you.
The deck is designed with ease of use and love in mind. Each card represents a dragon or a dinosaur that provides you with a message that you need to hear in this moment. These messages are things that I needed to discover on my journey when I was starting out. It is an ideal deck to begin a reading with as it covers all types of situations that you will unravel as you begin your own journey. The cards will help you gain understanding and hopefully clarify some of the initial chaos and confusion that you feel at the beginning of your path.
Because this is the way that spirit has asked me to create my oracle decks for a time. And I listened. I always listen. 😉 This deck has been designed to create a space for transformation, and delivers a world of wonder to a device you already look at every day. It builds support into your life that you don't have to think about or plan. Plus, when the cards are on your device, the light shines through the artwork and the design, which brings forward the multidimensional aspect of both them and of you, revealing a depth and richness to them that 2D printing would not allow. Everything is energy and we are all connected.
✨ In addition, it is earth friendly 🌎🍃 because no paper or inks or shipping or fuels are involved, and this way they are also instantly available around the world no matter where you are! But mostly because incredible changes for the better can come easily and swiftly from the simplest & smallest little shifts in your perspective, and when you build that kind of love and support into your daily life like I have done here... it moves mountains. And of course it does, because LOVE moves mountains, and that's what the Universe is; pure love ✨
The Alphabet Oracle Card Deck & Guidebook
Online Version, Digital Download - £10.99
Welcome to your online version of the Alphabet Oracle Card Deck.
The Alphabet Oracle Deck is comprised of 80 cards and is my very first deck that I have created. Spirit has been asking me to create and write for many years, but I always felt the timing wasn’t right and kept putting it off. So after years of these images and words, floating around in my journals, I asked spirit to help guide me to a starting point for creating and they said to start at the beginning. Simple really. The alphabet is the beginning, where we start when learning to read and write and so this is where I began.
✨ The Alphabet Oracle Deck is here to help you hear the messages from deep within you. The messages are short & sweet and full of potent resonance and they are here to help you attune to awe and wonder and help you with guidance on your journey.
✨ My guided Oracle cards are a unique and revolutionary new way to play with the magic of oracle cards. I have created this magical delivery method to help you harness the transformative power of oracle cards and put them to work for you in new and supportive ways.
✨When you purchase the online deck, you will also receive a PDF digital eBook of all The Alphabet Oracle Cards and their messages to keep.
The real power of oracle cards is that they remind you to love and trust yourself, and I have harnessed that power and built it into your life for easy access, for example; 10 minutes on the bus, to connect with the messages of spirit.
By purchasing this deck, you are entering a portal to connect with the magic of the Universe.
This deck is the beginning guidance for your journey. The cards also offer loving affirmations that will stay with you throughout the day.
Because this is the way that spirit has asked me to create my oracle decks for a time. And I listened. I always listen. 😉 This deck has been designed to create a space for transformation, and delivers a world of wonder to a device you already look at every day. It builds support into your life that you don't have to think about or plan. Plus, when the cards are on your device, the light shines through the artwork and the design, which brings forward the multidimensional aspect of both them and of you, revealing a depth and richness to them that 2D printing would not allow. Everything is energy and we are all connected.
✨ In addition, it is earth friendly 🌎🍃 because no paper or inks or shipping or fuels are involved, and this way they are also instantly available around the world no matter where you are! But mostly because incredible changes for the better can come easily and swiftly from the simplest & smallest little shifts in your perspective, and when you build that kind of love and support into your daily life like I have done here... it moves mountains. And of course it does, because LOVE moves mountains, and that's what the Universe is; pure love ✨
Self-Love Workbook
Download Printable - £8.99
Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, self-healing, and self-love? Our eBook and Workbook, Self-Love Workbook will guide you through an empowering process to unlock your true potential and embrace the love you deserve.
What You'll Find Inside:
Discover the transformative power of self-love with our comprehensive eBook and Workbook
package, designed to help you heal your mind, body, and soul. Elevate your self-esteem, enhance your well-being, and gain the tools to live a more fulfilling life.
Find Your True Self (Chapter 1):
Gain insights into self-discovery and learn how to connect with your
authentic self, setting the foundation for a life filled with purpose and happiness.
Confronting Your Shadows (Chapter 2):
Delve deep into self-love by understanding and addressing your inner fears and doubts, allowing you to release emotional baggage that has held you back.
Build a Strong Self-Love Foundation (Chapter 3):
Discover practical strategies and exercises to nurture self-love, boosting your self-esteem, and fostering a deep sense of self-worth.
Alternative Self-Love Strategies (Chapter 4):
Explore a wide range of self-love techniques, enabling you to choose what resonates with you most, creating a personalized path to self-acceptance.
Psychology of Self-Esteem (Chapter 5):
Understand the complexities of self-esteem and the science behind it, offering you a deeper perspective on your journey to self-love.
Master Your Thoughts and Emotions (Chapter 6):
Learn to navigate your thoughts and emotions skillfully, gaining control over negativity and cultivating a positive mind-set.
Creative Self-Love Boosters (Chapter 7):
Uncover unique and enjoyable methods to infuse self-love into your daily life, ensuring your journey is both fulfilling and fun.
Workbook Sheets:
Weekly and Daily Reflections
Self-Love Daily Check-in
28-Day "Love Yourself" Challenge
Self-Love Journal and Mindfulness Journal
Sleep and Mood Trackers
Self-Care Planner and Routine
Water Log, "Rewind the Un-do" List, Brain Dump
Self-Love Handbook
Download Printable - £4.99
A small and powerful resource of 21 pages to help you foster a positive and loving relationship with yourself.
Includes sections:
Finding out about yourself
Embracing your strengths
Manifestation Journal
Download Printable - £8.99
A beautifully designed journal of 58 pages that will guide you through the
process of unlocking their manifesting mojo and turning your dreams into
Content Includes:
Why manifestations are not working for you
Different types of manifesting styles
Discover your aligned manifestation style
Personalised manifestation exercise
Manifestation checklist
Daily manifestation journal pages and prompts
Business Vision Workbook
Download Printable - £6.99
An invaluable tool full of 33 pages for entrepreneurs to outline and achieve their business goals.
Includes sections:
Business Check-up
Steps you can take to increase flow and balance
Energetic Alignment
Future Casting
Grow your business Affirmations
Self Esteem and Self-Worth Journal
Download Printable - £8.99
A beautifully designed journal of 44 pages to help ambitious people seeking to amplify their self-worth and cultivate unwavering self-confidence.
Content includes:
Inner strengths
Development plan
Releasing and embracing yourself
Daily Affirmations
Setting Boundaries
Embracing your Inner Divinity
Download Printable - £3.99
A wonderful little EBook of 17 pages designed to help you ditch imposter syndrome and face self-doubt issues within and overcome fear to embrace your inner Divinity enabling you to reach your full potential and greatness.
Feeling the Emotions Within
Download Printable - £4.99
A beautifully designed 18 page EBook created as a beginners guide to understand emotions, how we store them in the emotional body and the impact they have on our lives.
Content includes:
Detailed descriptions of emotions, focusing on Fear and how we respond to Fear, the types of Fear and ways to manage Fear. There is section on Daily Affirmations to help begin the process of change. Also features artwork by Amanda Henderson.
Download Printable - £3.99
Trauma; Book 1 of a set of 5. Trauma is where my spiritual journey begins from birth, by my own perspective and in remembrance of memories that document my childhood years in diary format. It is based on my own personal journey and events that have happened to me during my lifetime, including the beginning of a beautiful Twin Flame Journey. I have been told that is extremely dark in places and is not a read for the faint of heart. Trauma is the first book of the Divine Feminine Counterpart Diaries.
When you go through Trauma, you become a victim of circumstance. TRAUMA is where my life began from birth; Abandonment, rejection, fear, addictions, sexual assault, physical, emotional, spiritual abuse and neglect on all levels.
I have endured SIX domestic Violence relationships in my life. 3 were past male boyfriends, 3 were with family members; one of which was the relationship I had with myself.
The relationship I had with myself was the most damaging of all relationships I had ever had. Every thought, reaction, harmful action against my body was about inflicting the most violence and creating a world of violence.
In 2006, I was shattered into pieces during a second nervous breakdown. I was broken beyond repair for all intense and purposes and I shouldn’t be here. At the time I felt even God didn’t want me.
And that is where 48 pages of Trauma ends. I am alone in a place of darkness, abandoned, rejected, violated, isolated and my permanent Hell. Somehow, I found the strength for my children to keep going and keep breathing and not to give up despite everything and so I did. I kept going.
Trauma probably has lot of mistakes in it, but to be honest, I just wanted to publish as I have been procrastinating for years about writing and publishing a book. It is the thinnest book of the series.
Trauma sets the stage for the journey I have endured over the years. The Trauma from one incident can take years to unravel and heal from and when you have experienced violence on a daily basis for years on end, the healing journey is an experience to overcome. I have had years of being a victim in this lifetime, another incarnation of me to put back together (DM) and as well as that I am a Lyran starseed, an Ancient Soul and a Fallen Angel with the amount of past lives to heal; approximately 15,000 but who’s counting!
Download Printable - £4.99
Karmic Cycles is the second book in the series and follows the diary entries of my spiritual awakening journey from where Trauma left of in 2006, where a massive tower moment, changes my direction, until the end of 2019.
Karmic Cycles covers the behavioural looping patterns that we all we all go through on our individual journeys and demonstrates ways to begin to overcome the cycles.The Divine Feminine Counterpart Diaries are based on true events.
Karmic Cycles describes the intensity of emotions and behavioural patterns that all need to be unravelled on each level. At the level of the Body, Mind, Heart and Soul and on the levels of the emotional, physical and spiritual with both the masculine and feminine energies.
We are not meant to live in pain on this planet and yet we continue to suffer as humans or look to medicines and doctors for answers. All of the answers we need are held within us if we have the courage to look and face our inner demons and fears.
Karmic Cycles are the repetitive patterns that we create in our worlds and we continue to repeat them until we learn the lessons of who we really are at an authentic level. The spiritual journey is not linear and healing does not happen overnight, it is a daily ritual to change patterns and behaviours.
This book is the diary entries of my life and unravelling the patterns that have created my world as learn to cope and heal from the trauma of my past. The Spiritual Journey is challenging, but so worth it in the end.
Download Printable - £5.99
Inner Union continues on my healing journey from December 2019 until 2022.
It describes the detail of the turmoil, I have endured on a daily basis as I break and heal generational patterns, addictions, karmic cycles, self-sabotaging behaviours on all levels. It also describes the pain and emotional ranges I felt as I began the ‘Twin Flame Journey’.
Inner Union is a whirlwind energetic dance of energy between the Masculine and Feminine energies that we all hold within us. Inner Union is when the polarities of extremes both come together into harmony and balance and create a sense of peace, love and harmony within on the levels of body, mind, heart and soul.
Download Printable - £5.99
Oneness is the fourth book in the Divine Feminine Counterpart Diaries series. Oneness is a spiritual experience that describes a state of Unity between the self and the Universe. It is a feeling of interconnectedness and transcendence of the boundaries or dividers that the social matrix has held us in and it can be a life changing experience. It is letting go of the separation and duality mind-set and allows us to merge in complete togetherness with ourselves and the universe.
Oneness is experienced as an intense heart-opening and awareness of the inherent goodness of all beings as well as gaining the ability to see beauty everywhere, in everything and everyone.
For me, Oneness continues from Inner Union in 2022 to the middle of 2023. Inner Union was about merging the feminine and masculine energies together. Oneness is taking that union deeper where the energies transition into their divinity and become the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine while connecting to their sovereignty and merging with each other and the Universe.
Download Printable - £8.99
Sacred Union is the final book in the series and brings me to the end of 2024. It is 340 pages long of my epic spiritual journey. I have found the light and I am experiencing happy for the first time in my life. I have found my piece of bliss. I am at the end of my Twin Flame Journey and Spiritual Awakening.
I am in peace, harmony and Sacred Unity Consciousness. I am connected to all and everything is energy. The Universe supports me with everything I choose to do. My energy is protected and I take care of myself first. I help to heal others and help them onto the path of their highest good all in alignment with their soul.
I am in a dharmic relationship energetically with my Divine Masculine as of August 2024.
All is well in my heaven on this Earth School at this moment in time. I am riding the waves and going with the flow and I know there is absolutely nothing to worry about in this moment of time. I am choosing love and to embrace the unknown.
There are still levels of healing to be completed in the 3D as the alignment of soul with the physical realm as my journey continues as I experience a multitude of levels of both the dark and light on the path to self discovery.
Digital Download - £6.99
The D & D Mini Oracle Card Deck is comprised of 24 cards and is my very first mini deck that I have created. Spirit has been asking me to create and write for many years, but I always felt the timing wasn’t right and kept putting it off. So after years of these images and words, floating around in my journals, I asked spirit to help guide me to a starting point for creating and they said to start with the mystical and magical creatures that I was have been working with in the 5D. I have been fascinated with Dinosaurs and Dragons since I was little and have loved bringing forth their messages to you.
The deck is designed with ease of use and love in mind. Each card represents a dragon or a dinosaur that provides you with a message that you need to hear in this moment. These messages are things that I needed to discover on my journey when I was starting out. It is an ideal deck to begin a reading with as it covers all types of situations that you will unravel as you begin your own journey. The cards will help you gain understanding and hopefully clarify some of the initial chaos and confusion that you feel at the beginning of your path.
Because this is the way that spirit has asked me to create my oracle decks for a time. And I listened. I always listen. 😉 This deck has been designed to create a space for transformation, and delivers a world of wonder to a device you already look at every day. It builds support into your life that you don't have to think about or plan. Plus, when the cards are on your device, the light shines through the artwork and the design, which brings forward the multidimensional aspect of both them and of you, revealing a depth and richness to them that 2D printing would not allow. Everything is energy and we are all connected.
✨ In addition, it is earth friendly 🌎🍃 because no paper or inks or shipping or fuels are involved, and this way they are also instantly available around the world no matter where you are! But mostly because incredible changes for the better can come easily and swiftly from the simplest & smallest little shifts in your perspective, and when you build that kind of love and support into your daily life like I have done here... it moves mountains. And of course it does, because LOVE moves mountains, and that's what the Universe is; pure love ✨
The Alphabet Oracle Card Deck & Guidebook
Online Version, Digital Download - £10.99
Welcome to your online version of the Alphabet Oracle Card Deck.
The Alphabet Oracle Deck is comprised of 80 cards and is my very first deck that I have created. Spirit has been asking me to create and write for many years, but I always felt the timing wasn’t right and kept putting it off. So after years of these images and words, floating around in my journals, I asked spirit to help guide me to a starting point for creating and they said to start at the beginning. Simple really. The alphabet is the beginning, where we start when learning to read and write and so this is where I began.
✨ The Alphabet Oracle Deck is here to help you hear the messages from deep within you. The
messages are short & sweet and full of potent resonance and they are here to help you attune to awe and wonder and help you with guidance on your journey.
✨ My guided Oracle cards are a unique and revolutionary new way to play with the magic of oracle cards. I have created this magical delivery method to help you harness the transformative power of oracle cards and put them to work for you in new and supportive ways.
✨When you purchase the online deck, you will also receive a PDF digital eBook of all The Alphabet Oracle Cards and their messages to keep.
The real power of oracle cards is that they remind you to love and trust yourself, and I have
harnessed that power and built it into your life for easy access, for example; 10 minutes on
the bus, to connect with the messages of spirit.
By purchasing this deck, you are entering a portal to connect with the magic of the Universe.
This deck is the beginning guidance for your journey. The cards also offer loving affirmations
that will stay with you throughout the day.
Because this is the way that spirit has asked me to create my oracle decks for a time. And I listened. I always listen. 😉 This deck has been designed to create a space for transformation, and delivers a world of wonder to a device you already look at every day. It builds support into your life that you don't have to think about or plan. Plus, when the cards are on your device, the light shines through the artwork and the design, which brings forward the multidimensional aspect of both them and of you, revealing a depth and richness to them that 2D printing would not allow. Everything is energy and we are all connected.
✨ In addition, it is earth friendly 🌎🍃 because no paper or inks or shipping or fuels are involved, and this way they are also instantly available around the world no matter where you are! But mostly because incredible changes for the better can come easily and swiftly from the simplest & smallest little shifts in your perspective, and when you build that kind of love and support into your daily life like I have done here... it moves mountains. And of course it does, because LOVE moves mountains, and that's what the Universe is; pure love ✨
The Wavelength Shop is a trading name and part of The Wavelength Group
The Wavelength Shop is a trading name and part of The Wavelength Group